Are Consumers Wary of AI-Powered Conversations? Survey Says No.

Consumers are comfortable with AI-generated SMS copy and images
Published on
Jul 18, 2023
Written by
Elodie Huston
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Consumers don't care if your brand uses AI to generate text messages—as long as they're relevant to their needs. 

When we polled 8,000 consumers earlier this year, they told us they'd rather talk to a brand via SMS than call them or talk to a sales associate in person. Shoppers are most interested in getting accurate information quickly: 88% would reach out to a brand to learn more about a specific product, and 70% would to get a personalized product recommendation.

For brands, these findings highlight a major opportunity to drive conversions and build loyalty. And if you’re managing SMS for a brand, you know it’s also a ton of work. While some brands may be wary of AI because it feels less personal and high-touch, generative AI can help brands meet shoppers’ desire to get relevant information, quickly, without maxing out their teams.   

We asked 600 consumers to give us a pulse-check on how they feel about getting text messages generated by AI. Here’s what they had to say. 

The majority of consumers don’t mind if a brand’s texts are generated by AI

Over 50% of consumers told us they’re comfortable with having conversations with brands powered by AI. Their level of comfort varies across gender and generation: Men are more comfortable having AI-powered conversations than women. 

Gen Z (consumers between the ages of 18-24) are the most comfortable having AI-powered conversations with brands, at 60%. Meanwhile, Gen X (consumers aged 45-54) are a little less comfortable, with 48% saying they’re OK with AI-generated messages. This generational divide makes sense. Gen Zers are digital natives who weren’t just raised on the internet—they’re entering a workforce that’s being reshaped by AI. 

AI-generated images are welcome, too

Over 60% of consumers are comfortable getting text messages from brands that include AI-generated images. Here, too, Gen Z is the most comfortable with receiving AI-generated images. Men are more comfortable getting AI-powered images in text messages, too. 

But there was a bit of a surprise: Millennial women (aged 35-44) are the most comfortable getting AI-generated images in texts from brands, with 75% saying they’re comfortable with the content. 

With 56% of consumers saying they’re more likely to engage with text messages from a brand if they include images, GIFs, or emojis, delivering on-brand imagery can make a major business impact. Now, AI can personalize imagery to consumers' preferences and seasonal moments at scale, increasing engagement. 

AI is proving to be a win-win for both brands and consumers: Shoppers can get the information they need, quickly, and brands can save hours of work while delivering personalized messages. 


In June 2023, Attentive conducted a survey of 600 US consumers aged 18+ about their sentiments toward multimedia in text messages from brands.

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